Acquiring is a process of accepting cashless payments from your customers.

Loyalty of your customers = speed of service + modern payment method.

All types of acquiring

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A POS terminal is not just a piece of hardware!

Order a POS terminal right now and get new opportunities for your store.

It can be used by:

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“Terminal” app

Accept payments using your smartphone (OS Android 8.0 or higher) with an NFC module by means of the certified app.

It can be used by:

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QR code is a simple solution for instant payment

Start your business right now.

It can be used by::

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Payment terminal

It is indispensable for accepting payments in state and municipal institutions!

It can be used by:

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NFC tag

Fast payment in three clicks.

It can be used by:

LiqPay is an online acquiring

LiqPay is an online acquiring

A single payment solution for your business.

It can be used by:

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What kind of acquiring do I need to choose?

POS terminal “Terminal” app QR codes NFC tag LiqPay
Connection fee Free of charge
Equipment It is provided by the Bank There is no need It is provided by the Bank There is no need
Connection term Up to 3 days from the date of registration Immediately after registration Up to 5 days from the date of registration Immediately after registration
Service fee UAH 400 -
Variable part of the commission 1.3% for all cards 1.5% for all cards
Payment systems
Funds crediting Next day Next day or online
Payment method NFC, Apple Pay, Google Pay Smartphone scanning NFC, Apple Pay, Google Pay Apple Pay, Google Pay

Advantages of PrivatBank acquiring

Sales growth

Sales growth

You get new customers - owners of payment cards.

Personal account

Personal account

Online platform for managing retail outlets.

Additional services

Additional services

They allow your business to offer more services than competitors.


24/7 Support

24/7 Support

Fast connection

Fast connection

24 hours is the estimated time for installing a POS terminal after ordering.

“Checkout”- software registrar of settlement transactions (SRST)

“Checkout”- software registrar of settlement transactions (SRST)

Two in one. Cash register in your POS terminal.

Let’s save trees!


The number of trees we saved by saving paper when printing receipts at POS terminals.

Personnel training

Personnel training

Mastering the skills of working with a POS terminal thanks to the online training system.


We provide the largest number of additional services that increase customer loyalty and trust to an outlet.

A terminal based on the Android platform is a comprehensive solution for an enterprise

Basic functions
acquiring equipment, how to connect a mobile bank in the terminal, acquiring rates, payment through POS terminal, how to work with acquiring, acquiring terminal, working with a payment terminal, bank acquiring commission, business payment terminal

Payment terminal for business with built-in applications. It is possible to carry out other operations both for a retail and service outlets and for any customer in Ukraine in addition to accepting payments option. Either a stationary or a mobile POS terminal is installed.

Main possibilities of a POS terminal on the Android platform:

  • integration with various apps on the Android platform;
  • barcodes and QR codes scanning;
  • discounts setting;
  • optimization of accounting and trade;
  • "Payment in installments" service;
  • “FacePay24” function (payment by means of face scanning);
  • SRST and acquiring in one device;
  • accounting and integration with accounting apps (coming soon).

Personal account management

In the “Acquiring for Business” account, it is possible to:
add and edit a point of sale;

add and edit a point of sale;

connect an additional terminal to an operating point of sale;

connect an additional terminal to an operating point of sale;

generate a statement;

generate a statement;

perform re-registration;

perform re-registration;

connect additional services ("Payment in installments", etc.);

connect additional services ("Payment in installments", etc.);

connect a multi-merchant;

connect a multi-merchant;

connect a trade QR code;

connect a trade QR code;

change a payment purpose;

change a payment purpose;

change a denomination in a receipt.

change a denomination in a receipt.

control refunds.

control refunds.

Personal account management

In the “Acquiring for Business” account, it is possible to:
  1. add and edit a point of sale;
  2. connect an additional terminal to an operating point of sale;
  3. generate a statement;
  4. perform re-registration;
  5. connect additional services ("Payment in installments", etc.);
  6. connect a multi-merchant;
  7. connect a trade QR code;
  8. change a payment purpose;
  9. change a denomination in a receipt.
  10. control refunds.
add and edit a point of sale; connect an additional terminal to an operating point of sale; generate a statement; perform re-registration; connect additional services ("Payment in installments", etc.); connect a multi-merchant; connect a trade QR code; change a payment purpose; change a denomination in a receipt. control refunds.

Frequently asked questions

What is the procedure for printing a POS terminal receipt in case of a successful transaction?

In the case of a successful transaction, the terminal screen will prompt you to print a receipt.

If a customer needs a receipt, then a merchant has to select “Yes” by pressing the appropriate terminal key.

If the merchant also needs a receipt, then it is possible to print it using the “Copy of receipt” → “Ok” → “Last receipt" → "Ok" function.

How to revoke a SmartID?

Step 1. Go to the PrivatBank AKCC website → “Online services” tab → “Revoke a certificate” → “Revoke a certificate using SmartID” (
Step 2. Scan the QR code via the “Privat24 for business” mobile app, select a company and enter the SmartID password.
Step 3. Select a key or keys to revoke and click the "Revoke" button.
Step 4. Scan the QR code via the “Privat24 for business” mobile app, select a company and enter the SmartID password.
Step 5. SmartID signature is revoked successfully.

Where can I use SmartID?

  1. “Privat24” Internet banking for private individuals (e.g. signing of payments)
  2. “Privat24 for business” Internet banking (signing of payments, salary slips, etc.)
  3. Electronic reporting
  4. Electronic document management
  5. Paperless
  7. Electronic tax service account
  8. “Diia” app

Who is authorized to use SmartID for documents signing?

  1. Head/entrepreneur.
  2. Accountant.
  3. Notarized authorized persons.
  4. Authorized persons that are not notarized, if a head/entrepreneur has provided access to the statement in the authority matrix.

How to create a SmartID?

  1. Click the “Settings” button in the “Privat24 for business” mobile app.
  2. Select a SmartID and a company that you want to generate a SmartID for.
  3. Create a password.

Signature is created! It is valid for 5 years.

Detailed instructions

What is a SmartID?

SmartID is a qualified electronic signature that is an analogue of your handwritten signature. You can sign documents and reports, verify your identity and use services online by means of your smartphone - no additional devices or apps are required to store e-signature.

What are the requirements for a point of sale to install a POS terminal?

The terminal is not installed in retail outlets that have not yet opened (renovated orplanned to be open). The exception is only domestic corporations.

It is forbidden to install terminals in residential premises, apartments, temporary structures. The point of sale must have a sign. The name of the sign is also recorded during registration as the name of a retail and service outlet.

RN IT engineer can ask for a price list and a certificate of business activity of a retail and service outlet.

The RN IT engineer is obliged to make a photo report during the installation of a terminal:

  • a photo of the facade of a store or a building where the point of sale is located, so that its sign is visible;
  • photo of the entrance to a retail and service outlet;
  • photo of the already installed terminal in a retail and service outlet.

If a terminal needs to be connected to a router/modem, you need to indicate this when ordering a terminal. The Bank can provide a standard three-meter cable to connect a terminal.

A retail and service outlet shall first prepare a router/modem for terminal installation and connection. If it is necessary to set up a static IP address, then employees of an outlet have to provide the engineer with the IP / mask / gateway so that he enters it into the terminal.

In case an outlet needs a longer cable it should be purchased and installed independently by an outlet. An engineer does install the cable at an outlet.

If a terminal needs to be connected to a cash register program to work with a cash register, then first you need to configure the cash register and install the drivers. An engineer does not configure a cash register itself, he only connects a terminal and installs an adjustment protocol requested by an outlet.

Where can I use a “FacePay” function?

How to configure a “FacePay” function?

Step 1. Configure “FacePay” in the updated Privat24 app.

Step 2. Select the "Settings" menu in the upper left corner of the main menu.

Step 3. Enable “FacePay” and go to settings.

Step 4. Take three photos and select a payment card, save the settings.

Why does PrivatBank refuse to print receipts (for merchants, for customers - upon request) in POS terminals?

According to the explanations of the State Fiscal Service, a copy of a payment terminal receipt is not a primary document (according to clause 44.1 of the Tax Code of Ukraine), and therefore there is currently no obligation to keep such a copy during the period established by clause 44.3 of Article 44 of the Tax Code of Ukraine. The merchant may not keep copies of receipts.

What is the alternative to a printed customer receipt?

PrivatBank has implemented the technology of an electronic receipt in Privat24, that has been working successfully for more than two years and is very popular with customers.

What is the alternative to a printed merchant receipt?

A statement that includes all operations carried out through the merchant’s POS terminals is stored in “Privat24 for business".

What confirmation should be provided to payment systems in the event of a disputed transaction?

The Bank transfers the transaction data to the IPS independently and a receipt is not requested to be provided by an outlet.

How to make a return without a sales receipt (where to get an RRN)?

If a point of sale has not kept its copy of a receipt for return of goods, it is necessary to contact the Bank by calling at 3700 or to “Privat24 for business” → “Acquiring statement” and obtain a statement of a terminal as at the date of purchase.

How to make a copy of a receipt via POS terminal?

Use the down arrow to go down to the following menu items: “Copy of receipt” → “Ok” → “Last receipt” → “Ok”.

How difficult will it be for staff to learn how to use a POS terminal?

It is very easy to learn. Bank employees will conduct training using a video course, and will also offer to take a test based on the results of the training. The result of training will be a bank certificate.

What is pre-authorization and how do I enable it?

This is the blocking of funds on a customer’s card with subsequent debiting of this amount to a merchant. The service is connected automatically according to type of activity.

What is the estimated term for replacing faulty equipment?

3 days.

When will the money be refunded to the buyer after processing the return through my POS terminal?

Within 5 days.

Where can I check the status of my latest transaction?

In the bot

Who should I contact regarding questions about my POS terminal?

Call 3700, 0 800 500 030 or send a request to –> Helper or bot

What is the estimated period of the POS terminal installation after ordering?

5 days.

Where can I find questions on the POS terminal operation?

In the online assistant - Helper or bot

Is it possible to connect PrivatBank’s POS terminal to the store's cash register system?

Yes. There is such a technical capability. You need to submit a Questionnaire for these reasons. A responsible employee of the Bank will contact you to implement the technical connection.

Is it possible for a PrivatBank specialist to come to service a POS-terminal without a merchant request?

Yes. It may be necessary to update the software and parameters of an installed equipment for the stable operation of a POS terminal at your point of sale. In this case, we will send you a PrivatBank manager who must be admitted to the service.

What paper is used in POS terminals of PrivatBank?

PrivatBank’s POS terminals use thermal paper where the image is created thanks to point heating in the places of contact with the thermal printer head and, as a result, darkening of the paper due to heating.
Main characteristics:

  • type of cash register tape - thermal paper;
  • tape width – 57 mm;
  • the maximum length of the tape is 19 m.


I have a small profit. Why should I spend money on acquiring?

Thanks to acquiring, you will not only increase the amount of the average receipt and increase turnover, but also reduce the probability of fraud. Every year, the share of card payments is growing, currently it is 40-50%. Not accepting cards for payment means losing to competitors!

How quickly will PrivatBank specialists respond if I have technical issues?

The process of issues resolving depends on complexity, but in any case these issues will be resolved as soon as possible. The Bank has an online application processing system - all orders are automatically sent to responsible employees.

What will happen if I do not comply with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on the mandatory POS terminal?

There is a possibility that the Tax Service will apply penalties.