Ratings and awards

Standard Rating

National Long-term Rating


National Short-term Credit Rating


Deposit Rating


Fitch Ratings

National Long-Term Rating

AA (ukr)/Stable

Viability rating


Long-term foreign currency IDR


Long-term local currency IDR


Short-term foreign currency IDR


Support rating


Support rating floor


Moody’s (ratings based on public information)

Baseline Credit Assessment


Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment


LT Bank Deposits (Foreign)


LT Bank Deposits (Domestic)


LT Counterparty Risk Assessment


LT Counterparty Risk Rating (Foreign)


LT Counterparty Risk Rating (Domestic)


History of Ratings by International Agencies


April 2017

  • April 26, 2017
    S&P raised credit ratings of “PrivatBank” to “CCC+/C” level with Stable Outlook.
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August 2017

  • August 30, 2017
    On August 30, 2017, Moody’s raised ratings of “PrivatBank” with Positive outlook following the rise of Ukraine ratings.
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October 2017

  • October 31, 2017
    On October 31, 2017, Fitch Ratings raised the National Long-term Rating of “PrivatBank” to ‘AA-(ukr)’ level with Stable Outlook.
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April 2018

  • April 10, 2018
    S&P confirmed credit ratings of “PrivatBank” at “CCC+/C” level with Stable Outlook.
    After that ratings were withdrawn at bank’s request. PrivatBank confirmed ending of cooperation as a part of cost optimisation policy.

October 2018

  • October 26, 2018
    The international rating agency FitchRatings upgraded PrivatBank’s National Long-Term Rating to «AA (ukr)» from «АА- (ukr)» and confirmed the bank’s Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) in foreign and local currencies at «B-», the Outlooks are Stable, the Short-Term IDR in foreign currency at «B» and the viability rating at «b-».
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December 2018

  • December 27, 2018
    The international rating agency Moody's has upgraded the Baseline Credit Assessment of PrivatBank from caa3 to caa1 following the recent improvement of Ukraine's sovereign bond rating. The rating agency has also uplifted by one notch the Local Currency Deposit Rating (to Caa1) and the Foreign Currency Deposit Rating (to Caa2) of the bank, outlook on ratings changed from «positive» to «stable».
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September 2019

  • September 24, 2019
    The international rating agency Fitch Ratings informed that the Long-Term Foreign-Currency and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of PrivatBank have been upgraded to “B”, the Outlooks are Positive. According to Fitch, the Support Rating Floor (SRF) of the bank has been accordingly revised to “B”, with the Viability Rating (VR) affirmed at “b-” and placed on Rating Watch Positive.
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November 2019

  • November 27, 2019
    The international rating agency Moody's revised outlook on PrivatBank’s ratings from «Stable» to «Positive». According to Moody's publication, the revision of PrivatBank’s outlook has followed the improvement of Ukraine’s sovereign ratings, strengthening of the Ukrainian banking system as well as improvement of PrivatBank’s asset quality and profitability.
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December 2019

  • December 23, 2019
    Fitch upgrades PrivatBank's VR from "b-" to "b". In September 2019, Fitch placed the Viability ratings (VRs) of 4 state-owned Ukrainian banks on Rating Watch Positive after the upgrade of Ukraine's sovereign ratings. Following the peer review and reassessment, the rating agency affirmed the VRs at current levels, apart from PrivatBank - Privat has been upgraded to "b".
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April 2020

  • April 29, 2020
    Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlooks on seven Ukrainian banks to Stable from Positive following Fitch's revision of the Outlook on Ukraine's sovereign rating to Stable from Positive in light of the anticipated adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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June 2020

  • June 16, 2020
    The International Rating Agency Moody's upgraded PrivatBank's ratings, including its BCA (Baseline Credit Assessment) to "b3" from "caa1", LT Bank Deposits (Foreign) to "Caa1" from "Caa2" and LT Bank Deposits (Domestic) to "B3" from "Caa1". The outlook on the bank's deposit ratings has been changed to "Stable" from "Positive". According to Moody's, the upgrade of Privatbank's ratings followed the relevant sovereign rating action on Ukraine and reflects the bank's strong profitability metrics driven by recurring revenues, low reliance on market funding and very high level of liquid assets.
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December 2020

  • December 10, 2020
    The rating agency Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") upgraded the long-term foreign currency (FC) deposit rating of PrivatBank to B3 from Caa1. PrivatBank was upgraded within the rating action taken for 18 banks in CIS region which was driven by changes in country ceilings applied to the jurisdictions of the banks following the publication of Moody's updated Country Ceilings Methodology on 7 December 2020. Country ceilings indicate the highest rating level that can generally be assigned to the financially strongest obligations of issuers domiciled in a country. PrivatBank's long-term FC deposit rating is now in line with that of the Government of Ukraine (currently B3 stable).
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August 2021

  • August 16, 2021
    Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlooks on five Ukrainian banks to Positive from Stable following Fitch's revision of the Outlook on Ukraine's sovereign rating to Positive from Stable. Fitch notes that the rating decision was made taking into account the resilience of Ukraine's credit fundamentals to the coronavirus shock and the expectation of economic recovery.
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February 2022

  • February 10, 2022
    Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlooks on five Ukrainian banks to Stable from Positive following Fitch's revision of the Outlook on Ukraine's sovereign rating to Stable from Positive. Fitch notes that the rating decision reflects increased risks of external financing caused by increased geopolitical tensions with Russia.
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March 2022

  • March 1, 2022
    Rating agency Fitch Ratings has changed the long-term foreign currency issuer default ratings of seven Ukrainian banks to 'CCC-' from 'B' following a downgrade of Ukraine's sovereign rating to 'CCC-' from 'B', respectively. Fitch notes that the rating decision reflects Russia's military intervention, which has resulted in heightened risks to Ukraine's external and public finances, macro-financial and political stability.
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  • March 10, 2022
    The rating agency Moody's has changed the long-term ratings on deposits in foreign currency of seven Ukrainian banks to «Caa2» from «B3» due to the downgrade of the sovereign rating of Ukraine, respectively, to «Caa2» from «B3». Moody's notes that the rating decision reflects the military intervention of Russia, which will seriously affect the economic situation of Ukraine and the banking environment.
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August 2022

  • August 22, 2022
    The international rating agency Fitch Ratings has affirmed the long-term issuer default ratings (IDRs) of four state-owned banks, incl. PrivatBank and three private banks of Ukraine in foreign and national currencies at the level of CCC- and CCC, respectively.
    Fitch also downgraded six banks to cc and PrivatBank to ccc- to reflect heightened sovereign and credit exposure risks. The downgrade has steadily become a beautiful sovereign rating of Ukraine to cc due to the postponement of payment on Eurobonds. "PrivatBank's highest occurrence rate at the ccc- level indicates a view of heavier loss buffers than the other six banks," Fitch wrote.
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February 2023

  • February 14, 2023
    The rating agency Moody's has changed the credit ratings of five Ukrainian banks, incl. PrivatBank, to Ca from Caa3 due to the downgrade of Ukraine's unsecured debt rating to Ca from Caa3, respectively.
    Moody's notes that the downgrade is due to the consequences of the war with Russia, which is expected to create long-term problems for the Ukrainian economy and public finances.
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March 2024

  • March 11, 2024
    Moody's has affirmed PrivatBank's 'Ca' Baseline Credit Assessment and 'Caa3' Long-term Deposit ratings.
    The current credit ratings and stable outlook reflect Moody's view that the sustainability of PrivatBank's performance and operating environment in Ukraine and the operating environment in Ukraine should ensure that the bank will be able to maintain its creditworthiness.
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June 2024

  • June 17, 2024
    Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (“IDR”) of the Bank at 'CCC-' and the Long-Term Local-Currency Issuer Default Rating (“IDR”) at 'CCC'.
    Fitch notes that the Bank maintains adequate liquidity relative to its needs, supported by various regulatory capital and foreign exchange controls that have been introduced since the outbreak of the war to mitigate deposit and capital outflow risks.
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